ShatterDOC Original Material

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

DailyTech - Japanese Researchers Crack Supposedly Hack-Proof Cryptography

Or, as Scooby Doo usta say "Rut Rho!"

"Researchers who developed standard claimed it would take "thousands of years to crack", but it took only 148 days

"We're living in either a dark, dysmal time for cryptographers or a golden, glorious age for hackers depending on how you look at it.  Casual hackers are making short work of supposedly modestly-secure older hashing standards like MD5, and even supposedly-super-secure "strong" encryption techniques are falling to novel attacks."

This article is not for the faint of heart or those adverse to the icky innards of cryptology. But it has a lot of insight into why computer security is in so much trouble. A great nerd read.

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