ShatterDOC Original Material

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Are users hoarding data? Here's where to put it | Data Center - InfoWorld

Are users hoarding data? Here's where to put it | Data Center - InfoWorld
Contains a lot of interesting advice. Perhaps the best is "One of the most useful tools in the battle over unreasonable data retention is a simple script that walks through a file tree and records every directory with an atime of greater than n years, and calculates the space savings if that data was moved to a graveyard array or permanently deleted. Some of these results will be shocking, especially if the shares have been around for a while. Finding 3TB that hasn't been touched since 2007 in an 8TB array is not unusual."
But it you're moving to the Cloud or to a physically insecure location and your data contains business or personal sensitive information, consider ShatterDOC.
ShatterDOC Information Team

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