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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More cloud insecurity news

More Cloud INsecurity News

Cracks emerge in the cloud: Security weakness of cloud storage services
The A*STAR-led researchers analyzed the security of three well-known cloud service providers -- Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft SkyDrive -- and found that all three had vulnerabilities many users might encounter. They uncovered several risks related to the sharing of secret URLs. Because URLs are saved in various network-based servers, browser histories and Internet bookmarks, frequent opportunities exist for third parties to access private data. Furthermore, the URL recipient may send the link to others without the data owner's consent.

Another danger lies in the practice of URL shortening -- reducing long web addresses to brief alphanumeric sequences for easier sharing on mobile devices. Although the original URL may point to a privately shared file, shortening changes this address into plain text unprotected by encryption. Zhou also notes that because short URLs have very limited lengths, they are susceptible to brute-force attacks that can dig out supposedly secret files.

Thanks Dr.W. for this posting - BlogTeam

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